Ann Magnolia | LawnCare by Walter, Inc.

Ann Magnolia

February 1, 2023

Ann Magnolia

Characteristics & Cultural Requirements

  • Height/Spread: 8 to 12 feet tall and 8 to 12 feet wide
  • Habit/Form: Round
  • Hardiness Zone: 4 to 8
  • Exposure: Full sun or partial shade
  • Soil: Medium, well-drained

Ornamental value and landscape use

LCbW frequently uses Ann Magnolias in the ‘Little Girl’ series of magnolia hybrids. Ann Magnolias are considered large shrubs or small ornamental trees and can be pruned to a desired look. Blooming a couple weeks after most other magnolias do in the spring and throughout the summer, Ann Magnolias have beautiful dark purple-red flowers that resemble tulips. Their breath-taking blooms are soon followed by sprouting dark-green glossy leaves. Protection from strong winter winds is necessary and they need to be covered with mulch at the roots. Ann Magnolias can be prone to certain diseases and can become infected with insects, so proper care is required.

Ann Magnolias are perfect as stand-alone specimens or may be planted with other flowers to create an attractive edge along a property line.

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