Bur Oak | LawnCare by Walter, Inc.

Bur Oak

November 30, 2020

Bur Oak

Characteristics & Cultural Requirements

  • Height/Spread: 60-80 feet tall by 60-80 feet wide
  • Habit/Form: Broad, round
  • Hardiness Zone: 3-8
  • Exposure: Full sun to part shade
  • Soil: Well-drained soil, moist to dry

Ornamental Value

Looking to add a shade tree to your landscape? Consider the majestic Bur Oak. A native to the midwest, Bur Oak boasts good drought and pollution tolerance, strong limbs, and dense shade. Bur Oak is an excellent native tree that hosts many insect and animal species through offering shelter and food from its acorns. Generally though, it can take up to 35 years before the first acorns appear. Bur oaks live more than 200-300 years! We love Bur Oak because it will provide shade and beauty for generations to come!

Landscape Uses

Estate/Legacy tree, shade tree, native plantings

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