October 29, 2021
The name says it all. This Sugar Maple cultivar boasts excellent fall colors ranging from yellow to red. We like to offer Sugar Maple varieties as an alternative to the popular Autumn Blaze Maple, primarily due to its native roots. There are some landscape plants however that just tend to be overused and Autumn Blaze is one of them so when we receive requests for the overused varieties we like to offer alternatives. This helps ensure biodiversity in our landscapes which helps keep diseases and pests at bay. Fall Fiesta Sugar Maple is a beautifully dense and rounded shade tree perfect for any lawn. This particular variety has good drought tolerance and cold hardiness. The thick leathery rich green leaves are also resistant to tatter and scorch in the hot summer months. Proper siting is important for this tree as it is not tolerant of road salt or compacted poorly drained soils.
Lawn plantings, park like settings, specimen tree
Also known as windflower, the Honorine Jobert anemone was voted the Perennial Plant Association’s Perennial of the Year award in 2016 for its vigorous growth, low-maintenance, and beautiful white blooms.
Eclipse hydrangea is one of LawnCare by Walter’s favorites and is becoming more popular in Rockford as the winters get milder.
This tried-and-true plant is a favorite of LCbW’s landscape designers.
Vernal witch hazel is easy to grow and thrives in moist, well-drained soil.