November 1, 2019
Amsonia is an underused perennial in the modern landscape that boasts multi-seasonal interest. In the spring powdery blue star shaped flowers cover the plant, attracting early butterflies. During the summer months Blue Star’s fine, feathery foliage dances in the wind making it a great backdrop to summer blooming perennials. In the fall, the foliage changes to a vibrant yellow-gold creating a fabulous contrast against the surrounding landscape. Narrow Leaf Blue Star is best grown in full to part shade gardens with well-draining soil. This perennial performs best with shearing after blooming to promote a compact habit.
Perennial gardens, borders, rain gardens
Eclipse hydrangea is one of LawnCare by Walter’s favorites and is becoming more popular in Rockford as the winters get milder.
This tried-and-true plant is a favorite of LCbW’s landscape designers.
Vernal witch hazel is easy to grow and thrives in moist, well-drained soil.
If you’re looking for an evergreen shrub to brighten your landscape or contrast existing shrubbery, consider golden mop cypress.