October 1, 2023
A female cultivar of the red maple, the October glory maple is a medium sized deciduous tree with glossy green leaves containing three main triangular lobes. In the spring, tiny red flowers cover the tree creating a delicate, vibrant look. Come fall, the October glory maple’s leaves turn to beautiful shades of orange and red. Because they turn later in the fall than other maples, they retain their fall colors longer.
October glory maples prefer consistent moisture, but do not tolerate wet conditions. Soil should be well drained and a sufficient amount of mulch should be used to retain organic matter and moisture.
October glory maples make ideal street trees. They are nice when located in parks. They can be planted in bulk or as specimens. But because of their shallow root systems, they have the ability to buckle sidewalks, so it is important not to plant them too close to pavements.
Eclipse hydrangea is one of LawnCare by Walter’s favorites and is becoming more popular in Rockford as the winters get milder.
This tried-and-true plant is a favorite of LCbW’s landscape designers.
Vernal witch hazel is easy to grow and thrives in moist, well-drained soil.
If you’re looking for an evergreen shrub to brighten your landscape or contrast existing shrubbery, consider golden mop cypress.